Monday, May 7, 2012

Concluding Thoughts

I believe this class has introduced me to several useful tools that I may have otherwise never been exposed to. Although sometimes it was a struggle to familiarize myself with the more intricate and involved capabilities of these technologies, I feel that I have still walked away with invaluable knowledge that will help me in my future writing career. I do not plan to teach, however, video editing is a beneficial skill to possess in any field because the work place is becoming more dependent on technology with each passing decade. I enjoyed all the creative freedom that was given to me during the creation of these assigned projects. I feel like such liberties motivated me to learn about the technology and attempt to use it to my full advantage. There is alot I would still like to learn and feel that with more time, I could significantly improve my current projects.

Chuck Norris Meme


The assignment was to create a video that discusses the origins and meaning of a popular internet meme. Our group decided to choose the Chuck Norris meme because even though some generations are not familiar with the actor, a large amount of individuals who regularly surf the internet would be familiar with the meme. We chose to intertwine clips of Chuck Norris films with our own footage to create the video. Several techniques were used to present our video as a newscast, including the use of interviews. Because there was so much information available on the internet, it was very difficult to sift through the masses of resources to decide what to include in our video. At some points in our earlier drafts, moments of our video were very extended. After the editing process, however, we learned the value of transitions and shorter frames to keep an audience's attention. I am pleased with the outcome of our video and belief we produced something simultaneously professional and engaging.

So What? ISTE NETS for Teacher:

Standard 1: Facilitate & Inspire Student Learning & Creativity

Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers:

promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness. engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes. model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.

-I believe that creating a video is an invaluable learning tool. The production process requires a lot of research. Even though this product was examining pop culture, these tool can be used within any field of study. Students in math and history classes could also find creative a video to explain more sophisticated concepts to be rewarding, interesting, and helpful. This also foster's a student's creativity, an extremely valuable asset in today's workplace.

Now What?

Producing videos is definitely a way for students to become familiar with innovative technology while exploring other fields of academia. If they are allowed to create something in relation to their topic of study, they will naturally become more interested in learning about it. This process should certainly be emphasized in future classrooms once video editing software becomes more accessible to all schools.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Banana Day Podcast

This assignment was a podcast that explored a particular aspect of West Chester University life. Our group chose to investigate Banana Day because it was light-hearted and we figured than many people would be perceptive and open to an interview. Although there were many students who seemed to be quite fond of the celebration, several were also confused about its meaning and origin- others did not see a point in dedicating an entire day to worshipping a piece of fruit. Our story unfolded as we discussed our own Banana Day experiences and then turned to others for their input. We eventually discovered that Banana Day was primarily developed to promote good health and student involvement.

So What?
2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.
I think this project would be useful to foster a creative outlet for students in a learning environment. A podcast allows them to create a story- not through conventional mediums, but solely through the uses of sounds. This requires an active imagination and some ingenuity to make the story believable and interesting.

Now What? Although podcasts must tell a story, they can certainly be incorporated in educational settings beyond the English Classroom. Podcasts can be used to illustrate moments in history or otherwise particularly bland material and make them engaging. When students are actively involved in their learning process, they are more enthusiastic, especially when they are able to develop learning tools through the use of new and innovative technology.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Response to "Bare White" by Liz Baum

1. Upon exploring the digital storytelling site, I chose to view a story under the Identity tab. I was surprised to see a video featuring a white artistic speaking about her own racial identity. Reflecting upon my initial reactions, she explains through thoughtful monologue and pictures that whiteness is often perceived as "normal" to individuals who share this racial identity and it is scarcely viewed as an identity at all. Baum's narrative primarily her response to a book she read "Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?" by Beverly Tatum. Tatum's book discusses white identity and suggests that white people do not think about their racial group. Baum reflects upon her own childhood and remembers a sea of white faces, dotted occasionally by vague images of individuals of other races.

2. The method of digital story telling would undoubtedly benefit the effectiveness of learning. Multimedia projects cater to several different types of learning and through a diversity of mediums, there is a greater chance that the overarching message will be understood by everyone. Students are given the ability to express their individuality in these products by including their voice and other creations that can reflect upon an topic that is of interest to them. This method of spreading ideas would be appealing to students because it is technology-centric and its method of execution is nearly limitless.

3. There were many attributes to this digital story that made it captivating but also some elements...or rather missing components...that lessened its effectiveness. The topic alone combined with the crisp images of a white lawn chair and her childhood photos reflect a good example of what is perceived as whiteness. However, although her narrative talks about a sudden revelation that she is a "white woman", she really does not explain these implications. The narrative seemed rather incomplete and it would have been interesting to hear how this realization of her white racial identity changed the way that she viewed herself and other races.

Monday, February 20, 2012

"The Lost Book" Trailer Reflection

The theme of the movie trailer circulated around the concept of hard copy books becoming obsolete. Although the point of the film is not to necessarily make a negative comment about technology itself, it it does speak to the issue of individuals preferring some of the mindless entertainment some video games offer instead of exercising their imaginations through books. I do realize that although technology does enhance many aspects of social interaction, it has taken away, to a degree, the beauty of owning printed literature. Printed literature can sustain when technology fails and I think that although technology is now an integral part of our culture, this should still be recognized.

The plot was simple and consisted of a character representing "the printed novel" and another character representing a child immersed in video games. The child ignores the novel until technology fails him and he is searching for an alternative method of entertainment. He remembers the book and finds her in the library where she has retreated.

Editing the footage was a simultaneously rewarding and frustrating experience. Although the software was advanced, at moments it was difficult to manipulate and very painstaking. However, I am very pleased with the final result of this trailer as it was only the second time I have ever dealt with editing original footage. It took awhile to decide what song was appropriate and which scenes to chose. Although some areas of the trailer may be a bit choppy or vague, I still believe than any audience with an open mind will be able to grasp its message.

I definitely believe that a project of this nature aligns with the first standard of the ISTE NETS*T,"Facilitate and Inspire Student learning and Creativity". Developing a video trailer allowed us to utilize digital media to creatively express a real world issue. The prospect of shooting and editing footage allowed a diversity of choices and techniques regarding the presentation of the message we are attempting to convey. This outlet was more interesting to engage with than if we were asked to merely construct a written text concerning this topic. It was also exciting to create something that looked professional and it motivated me to explore the issue in question.

Although I do not plan on teaching, I can understand how this trailer project can enhance student learning and encourage individuals to pursue create outlets when trying to depict an idea. It would be interesting to ask students to develop movie trailers for texts or chapters in a book that are difficult to understand. The task of creating the trailer would make understanding the text seem less daunting and more of a necessity in order to develop something that is creative and innovative.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Response to: Podcasting and Performativity:Multimodal Invention in an Advanced Writing Class

Leigh A. Jones' article regarding the merits of podcasting in the English classroom shed light onto several benefits of  expressing ideas orally before constructing written text.  Jones, in particular, states that podcasting gives students confidence that is not evident in their writing. Academic bravery, especially in the research paper, seems minimal, according to Jones.  However, when students are able to articulate themselves orally before writing their arguments, they are given an opportunity to develop an authoritative voice.  To possess authority over a research topic is crucial to its execution because the topic must be understood at an advanced degree before it can be subject to argument.

The benefits of podcasting also include the ability to effectively express ideas to peers and generate discussion.  Since podcasts can be performed repetitively until their authors deem them presentable, they can take considerable time enhancing the presentation of their argument.  This allows their peers to listen to a final presentation that is clear, methodical, well-organized, and confident. Substantial feedback can therefore be generated as the podcast serves as a rich template for discussion.

I think that podcasting would definitely improve both the creative writing process and the academic writing process.  If I am able to express my ideas aloud, not only will I gain a mastery over them, but it will also enable me to more effectively collaborate with my peers.